Updates to the Label Admin Dashboard (Spring 2022)
Previewing the updated Label Admin Dashboard
- You should have been emailed a link to your preview of the new app. If you have not received the link, please email support@audiosalad.com.
- Users will continue to access your current Label Admin Dashboard at it’s regular url. You can use the preview of the new app alongside the current Label Admin Dashboard, accessing and editing the same catalog.
- You can share the preview link with any user who has access to your current Label Admin Dashboard. The same login credentials will work for both applications.
** BE AWARE **
- The updated app and the existing Label Admin dashboard are both accessing your production database. Any changes you make while testing the new app will be reflected in the Label Admin Dashboard and the AudioSalad Desktop App.
- If you invite a new user to the platform while using the new application, they will be prompted to set up their account at the new app. Except for internal testing purposes, it is highly recommended that you invite any new users in the current Label Admin Dashboard or hold off until the Dashboard is updated.
What has changed?
We have rebuilt the Label Admin Dashboard in a completely new infrastructure which will allow us to quickly build in new features in the future.
At this time we have not made any radical changes to existing functionality and features. While we have made improvements to the UI and UX, we’ve purposely made a concerted effort to make sure the updated Dashboard will feel like a seamless upgrade for you and your end users.
Our beta testers have reported that anyone who is using the existing Label Admin Dashboard should have no trouble using the updated version.
Notable changes to be aware of:
- Searching and filtering – Improved catalog navigation with a quick keyword search and advanced filtering.
- Background uploads – Users no longer need to wait for files to upload before progressing with release creation and editing. Files upload in the background so a user can fill out release / track metadata while files are uploading.
- Improved validation – When a user Requests a Delivery, they will be notified if the product is missing required metadata and will be instructed where to resolve any issues. This should catch issues before your admins review the product.
- Default catalog order– The default ordering of the catalog is now by Release Date (previously alphabetically by title) so a user can quickly see upcoming releases. The user can sort the table by other applicable columns.
- New track player – Users can now play a track while navigating the catalog and use the waveform view to identify any potential issues with the track before requesting delivery.
- Improved product edit screen – Users are provided a snapshot of important product information at the top of the edit screen with the ability to update product information below.
Next Steps
Once you are comfortable with the new Label Admin Dashboard, reach out to us at support@audiosalad.com and we will proceed with the update. This will be a seamless process and when complete, you and your users will see the updated version at your current dashboard url.
If you do not reach out to us, your application will be updated on the deadline date sent to you via email.